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All APIs are documented inside the ns-api package.


APIs can be called using 4 different methods:

  • using curl and invoking the API server
  • using api-cli wrapper that talks with ubus over HTTP
  • directly invoking the scripts
  • using ubus client


The APIs should always be invoked through the API server on a production environment. The server will handle the authentication and invoke APIs using ubus. It also add some extra logic for 2FA and error handling.

First, authenticate the user and obtain a JWT token:

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -k https://localhost/api/login --data '{"username": "root", "password": "Nethesis,1234"}' | jq -r .token

Use the obtained token, to invoke an API:

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -k  https://localhost/api/ubus/call -H 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>' --data '{"path": "ns.dashboard", "method": "system-info", "payload": {}}' | jq

If you need to pass parameters to the API, add them inside the payload field:

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -k  https://localhost/api/ubus/call -H 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>' --data '{"path": "ns.dashboard", "method": "counter", "payload": {"service": "hosts"}}'


The api-cli wrapper needs valid user credentials. If no credentials are given, it uses the default ones:

  • user: root
  • password: Nethesis,1234

You can use this method to automate the configuration and to test existing APIs.

Exit statuses:

  • 0 on success
  • 1 on error
  • 2 on authentication error

The api-cli command outputs the results on standard output and HTTP errors on standard error.

Example with default credentials:

api-cli ns.dashboard system-info

If you changed the root password, use:

api-cli --password mypass ns.dashboard system-info

You can pass parameters to the APIs:

/usr/bin/api-cli ns.dashboard counter --data '{"service": "hosts"}'

Example of bash script:

hosts=$(echo '{"service": "hosts"}' | /usr/bin/api-cli ns.dashboard counter --data - | jq .result.count)
echo "Known hosts: $hosts"


APIs are invoked using the api-server. The server uses ubus to call the scripts that actually implement the real APIs. Each script must be executable and follow RPCD rules. See also JSONRPC for more info.

Each API script should also respect the following conventions:

  • all APIs must start with ns. prefix
  • all APIs must read JSON object input from standard input
  • all APIs must write a JSON object to standard output: JSON arrays should always be wrapped inside an object due to ubus limitations
  • APIs should not commit changes to the configuration database: it’s up to the user (or the UI) to commit them and restart the services
  • all APIs must follow the error and validation protocols described below

Error protocol

If the API raises an error, it should return an object like:

    "error": "command_failed"

The error field should contain an error message which can be translated inside the UI. As general rule, the message:

  • should describe the error
  • should be written in lower case
  • should not contain special characters nor spaces

The API server will parse the error and return a 500 HTTP status code and a full response like:

  "code": 500,
  "data": {
    "error": "command_failed"
  "message": "command_failed"

If the API server can’t catch the exact error, or the called method does not exists, the API server will return a response like:

  "code": 500,
  "data": "exit status 3",
  "message": "ubus call action failed"

Validation protocol

The APIs should validate all data that can lead to a service failure. If the validation fails, it should return an object like:

  "validation": {
    "errors": [
        "parameter": "mac",
        "message": "mac_already_reserved",
        "value": "80:5e:c0:d9:c6:9b"

The errors fields contains all validation errors. Fields of the error:

  • parameter: name of the parameter that threw the error
  • message: a valuable description of the error, see error field above for how to format the message
  • value: the value that raised the error (optional)

The API server will catch the validation and return a 400 HTTP code with a response like:

  "code": 400,
  "data": {
    "validation": {
      "errors": [
          "message": "mac_already_reserved",
          "parameter": "mac",
          "value": "80:5e:c0:d9:c6:9b"
  "message": "validation_failed"

Create a new API

To add a new API, follow these steps:

  1. create an executable file inside /usr/libexec/rpcd/ directory, like ns.example, and restart RPCD
  2. create an ACL JSON file inside /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d, like ns.example.json

APIs can be written using any available programming language. In this example we are going to use python.

Example for /usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.example:


# Copyright (C) 2023 Nethesis S.r.l.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

# Return the same message given as input parameter

import sys
import json
from nethsec import utils

def say(param):
    res = ''
        # do something here
        ret = param
        print(json.dumps({"result": ret}))

cmd = sys.argv[1]

if cmd == 'list':
    print(json.dumps({"say": {"message": "value"}}))
elif cmd == 'call' and sys.argv[2] == "say":
    args = json.loads(
    param = args.get('message', 'myvalue')

Make the file executable and restart rpcd:

chmod a+x /usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.example

Usage example:

# ubus -v call ns.example say '{"message": "hello world"}' | jq
  "result": "hello world"

Create the ACL file to enable RPC calls. Example for /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/ns.example.json:

  "example-reader": {
    "description": "Access say method",
    "write": {},
    "read": {
      "ubus": {
        "ns.example": [

Restart rpcd:

/etc/init.d/rpcd restart

Test the new API:

api-cli ns.example say --data '{"message": "hello world"}'