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This is a partial porting of nethserver-openvpn.

OpenVPN road warrior

Changes since NS7:

  • IP reservation is enforced
  • support for multiple server instances
  • SQLite connection database is volatile

Supported authentications:

  • certificate only
  • user name and password
  • user name, password and certificate

Not supported:

  • mail notification about connect/disconnect events

Supported authentication methods:

  • local users with certificate only
  • local users with password
  • local users with password and certificate
  • remote LDAP users with password
  • remote LDAP users with password and certificate
  • authentication based on certificate + otp

Network and firewall configuration:

  • the network device is named tunrw
  • the default zone for the device is named rwopenvpn: this is a trusted zone, it will have access to lan and wan zones, it will be also accessible from lan zone

First configuration

After installation, the OpenVPN roadwarrior instance is not configured.

You can create an instance using the API: /usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.ovpnrw call add-instance.

The API will:

  • create a default OpenVPN roadwarrior server instance named ns_roadwarrior1
  • open the default ns_roadwarrior port (1194/udp) from the WAN zone
  • create a rwopenvpn trusted firewall zone which has access to LAN and WAN
  • setup the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) inside /etc/openvpn/<instance>/pki with ns-openvpnrw-init-pki
  • create default firewall rules to access the ns_roadwarrior1 server from the WAN

On client connect, the server will execute all scripts inside /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/connect-scripts/ directory in lexicographical order. On client disconnect, the server will execute all scripts inside /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/disconnect-scripts/ directory in lexicographical order. Each script takes 2 arguments: the server instance name and the client CN.

Changes from API are not commited. To start the OpenVPN execute:

uci commit openvpn firewall network
service openvpn start
service network restart
service firewall restart

All APIs are documented inside the ns-api page.

Authentications methods

Each user must have an entry of type user or local-user inside users UCI configuration file and must have at least the following fields:

  • openvpn_enabled: can be 0 or 1, if set to 0 the user can’t authenticate itself

Each user can have also the following options:

  • openvpn_ipaddr: IP address reserved for the user
  • openvpn_2fa: OTP secret

See ns-objects for more info.

Local users with certificate only

A client can connect to the server if:

  • there is a valid certificate inside the certificate directory: the certificate CN must match the user name
  • the user belongs to the database associated to the RoadWarrior instance
  • the user openvpn_enabled field is set to 1 inside users database

Certificates are saved inside /etc/openvpn/<instance>/pki/ directory.

Default certificate_expiration is 3650 days (1 year).

To enable this authentication the user_pass_verify option must be empty or not set.

Local user with password

A client can connect to the server if:

  • the user belongs to the database associated to the RoadWarrior instance
  • the user openvpn_enabled field is set to 1 inside users database
  • the provided user password matches the one saved inside password option

To enable this authentication the user_pass_verify option must be set to /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/openvpn-local-auth via-env.

Local users with password and certificate

A client can connect to the server if:

  • there is a valid certificate inside the certificate directory: the certificate CN must match the user name
  • the user belongs to the database associated to the RoadWarrior instance
  • the user openvpn_enabled field is set to 1 inside users database

Local users with certificate + OTP

A client can connect to the server if:

  • the user belongs to the database associated to the RoadWarrior instance
  • there is a valid certificate inside the certificate directory: the certificate CN must match the user name
  • the user belongs to the database associated to the RoadWarrior instance
  • the provided user OTP matches the one generated using oathtool from the 2FA secret saved inside openvpn_2fa field

To enable this authentication the user_pass_verify option must be set to /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/openvpn-otp-auth via-env.

Remote LDAP users with password

A client can connect to the server if:

  • the user belongs to the database associated to the RoadWarrior instance
  • the user openvpn_enabled field is set to 1 inside users database
  • the user password can authenticate against remote LDAP server with provided password

To enable this authentication the user_pass_verify option must be set to /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/openvpn-remote-auth via-env.

Remote LDAP users with password and certificate

A client can connect to the server if:

  • there is a valid certificate inside the certificate directory: the certificate CN must match the user name
  • the user belongs to the database associated to the RoadWarrior instance
  • the user openvpn_enabled field is set to 1 inside users database
  • the user password can authenticate against remote LDAP server with provided password

To enable this authentication the user_pass_verify option must be set to /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/openvpn-remote-auth via-env.

IP static lease

The IP lease is saved inside the openvpn_ipaddr field, in the users database.

See the add-user and edit-user APIs inside the ns-api page.

Disable a user

To disable a user, the openvpn_enabled fiels must be set to 0.

See the enable-user and disable-user APIs inside the ns-api page.

Remove a user

See the delete-user API inside the ns-api page.


Every client connection is tracked inside a SQLite database saved inside /var/openvpn/<instance>/connections.db. The database is initialized as soon as the instance is up using the init-connections-db script.

As default, all logs are sent to /var/log/messages.

Client configuration

To generate a valid .ovpn file, see the download-user-configuration API inside the ns-api page.

Debug remote authentication

To debug the remote authentication process, you can use the following command:

debug=1 config=openvpn-ns_roadwarrior1.conf username=giacomo password=Nethesis,1234 /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/openvpn-remote-auth
echo $? # should return 0

Assuming the authentication is based on username and password, specify the username and password variable of your test user. Depending on the authentication method, the username and password can have different meanings.

The debug variable can be set to 1 to enable debug messages. The config parameter is the OpenVPN configuration file, the value reported inside the example is correct in most cases.

OpenVPN tunnels

Tunnels are normal openvpn sections inside /etc/config/openvpn.

Network and firewall configuration:

  • the network device is named tun<tunnel_name>
  • the default zone for tunnel devices is named openvpn: this is a trusted zone, it will have access to lan and wan zones, it will be also accessible from lan zone


Each tunnel server requires to configure an iroute for every local network which should be exposed to tunnel client. The iroute is configured upon client connection using /usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/connect-scripts/10-tunnel-iroute script.

Each tunnel server must have the following configuration options:

option client_connect '"/usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/openvpn-connect <tunnel_name>"'
option client_disconnect '"/usr/libexec/ns-openvpn/openvpn-disconnect <tunnel_name>"'