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ns-plug handles:

NethSecurity controller client

The client is composed by 3 main parts:

  • /usr/sbin/ns-plug: sh script to register the firewall and start the VPN
  • /etc/init.d/ns-plug: start ns-plug script as a daemon, it automatically restarts the service if the configuration changes
  • /etc/config/ns-plug: UCI configuration file

The ns-plug service needs at least the following options:

  • the server: an HTTPS URL of the controller
  • the unit_id: a UUID identifier of the machine
  • the token: the registration token available inside the controller


uci set ns-plug.config.server=
uci set ns-plug.config.unit_id=$(34f15657-9fce-4e36-8046-6d116ef07b57)
uci set ns-plug.config.token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
uci commit ns-plug
/etc/init.d/ns-plug restart

On first run, ns-plug will create an administrator user for Luci, the user is saved inside UCI config rpcd.controller. The user will have a random name and a random password. At start-up, the service will try to register to the remote controller. If the system has been already approved, ns-plug will download the VPN configuration and connect to the controller. Otherwise, it will poll the controller every 10 seconds waiting for approval. The password of controller user will be regenerated and sent to the controller on each restart.

ns-plug uses the HTTPS certificate to validate the controller identity. On development environments, if a valid certificate is not available, it is possible to disable TLS verification:

uci set ns-plug.config.tls_verify='0'
uci commit ns-plug
/etc/init.d/ns-plug restart

To reset ns-plug configuration use:

uci delete rpcd.controller
uci commit rpcd
uci set ns-plug.config.server=''
uci set ns-plug.config.unit_id=''
uci set ns-plug.config.token=''
uci commit ns-plug
uci delete rsyslog.promtail
uci commit rsyslog
rm -f /usr/share/ns-plug/client.conf

Machine registration

To register a machine:

For enterprise subscription, execute:

register enterprise <secret>

For community subscription, execute:

register community <secret>

When the machine has been registered, the system will:

  • send an heartbeat every 10 minutes using send-heartbeat script
  • send the inventory every night using send-inventory script

To deregister the machine, execute:



The registration can be customized by adding scripts inside the /usr/share/ns-plug/hooks/<command> directory:

  • register command will search for custom scripts inside the /usr/share/ns-plug/hooks/register
  • unregister command will search for custom scripts inside the /usr/share/ns-plug/hooks/unregister

Custom scripts must be executable and will be executed in lexicographic order. The execution will continue regardless of script exit codes.

Remote backup

If the machine has a valid enterprise subscription, every night a cron job will execute the backup and send it to a remote server.

Backup encryption

If the file /etc/backup.pass exists, the backup will be encrypted using the given passphrase: only the encrypted backup will be sent to the remote server.

To disable the encryption, just delete the file /etc/backup.pass.


Download the latest unencrypted backup and restore it:

remote-backup download $(remote-backup list | jq -r .[0].file) - | sysupgrade -r -

Download the latest encrypted backup and restore it:

echo <your_passphrase> > /etc/backup.pass
remote-backup download $(remote-backup list | jq -r .[0].file) - | gpg --batch --passphrase-file /etc/backup.pass -d | sysupgrade -r -


All system alerts, except MultiWAN ones, are handled by netdata, including those from the multiwan monitoring. Alerts are disabled by default and enabled only if the machine has a valid subscription. In this case, alerts are automatically sent to the remote server (either or using a custom sender (/etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf). Alerts are also logged to /var/log/messages and are visible within the netdata UI.

Only the following alerts are sent to the remote system:

  • disk space occupation
  • WAN down events

When an alert is resolved, netdata will also send a clear command to remote server.

MultiWAN alerts

MultiWAN alerts are managed using /etc/mwan3.user script.

When a WAN changes its status, all executable scripts inside the /usr/libexec/mwan-hooks/ directory will be executed. If the machine has a valid subscription, the send-mwan-alert script will send an alert to and monitoring portals. Sent alerts are logged to /var/log/messages, example:

Jul 31 12:40:42 NethSec mwan3-alert: Sending alert wan:wanb:down with status FAILURE
Jul 31 12:41:04 NethSec mwan3-alert: Sending alert wan:wanb:down with status OK