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This is a porting of nethserver-blacklist.

This package is composed of 2 different services:

  • ts-ip: block traffic from/to a given list of IPs, it is based on banip
  • ts-dns: block DNS queries to a given list of domains, it is based on adblock

If the machine is registered using ns-plug, the system_id and the secret will be used to authenticate requests to URL sources. Please note that to access the extra categories, the machine should have a valid entitlement for this service.


Threat shield IP (ts-ip) blocks traffic from/to a given list of IPs.

The following categories require a valid entitlement:

  • yoroimallvl1 (was yoroi_malware_level1 on NS7)
  • yoroimallvl2 (was yoroi_malware_level2 on NS7)
  • yoroisusplvl1 (was yoroi_souspicious_level1 on NS7)
  • yoroisusplvl2 (was yoroi_souspicious_level2 on NS7)
  • nethesislvl3 (was nethesis_level3 on NS7)

After machine registration, above categories will be automatically added to existing banip categories (/etc/banip/banip.custom.feeds).

A special global allowlist will also be added to banip (ban_allowurl option).


Start the service

Enable the service and select one or more categories to block:

uci add_list
uci set
uci commit banip
/etc/init.d/banip restart

To disable ts-ip use:

uci set
uci commit banip
/etc/init.d/banip restart


Threat shield DNS (ts-dns) is a special configuration for adblock. The ts-dns is invoked every time adblock is started or reloaded.

The package adds a new option to adblock:

  • ts_enabled: if set to 1, it enables the download of enterprise categories and community free categories.

If ts_enabled is set to 1:

  • a new category source file is generated according to the machine registration and the entitlement
  • all DNS queries are redirected to the local machine
  • adblock is configured to use the new category source file and will be started

As default a machine has access to all community free categories, that are listed at /usr/share/threat_shield/community-dns.sources.gz. If the machine has a subscription and a valid entitlement for nethesis-blacklists, the machine will have access to the enterprise categories, that are listed at /usr/share/threat_shield/nethesis-dns.sources.gz.

DNS block categories will be automatically reloaded every 12 hours.

Enable adblock with all available categories, example:

echo '{"enabled": true, "zones": ["lan"]}' | /usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.threatshield call dns-edit-settings
uci commit adblock && service adblock restart

Keep adblock enabled but disable threat shield categories:

echo '{"enabled": false, "zones": ["lan"]}' | /usr/libexec/rpcd/ns.threatshield call dns-edit-settings
uci set
uci commit adblock
/etc/init.d/adblock restart

Custom categories

To add custom categories, create a file /etc/adblock/custom.sources.gz with the list of categories to block. If such file is present, the /usr/share/threat_shield/community-dns.sources.gz will be ignored.

DNS redirect bypass

Allow bypass of DNS redirect for a specific source IP:

uci add_list
uci commit adblock
/etc/init.d/adblock restart

For more info see adblock repository.